Bicycle Collision Investigation (Hardcover book, March 2005)



Motorcycle Collinear Collisions Involving Motor Vehicles Equipped with Event Data Recorders (Expanded research paper and supporting data published in the Crash Data Retrieval User's Conference, February 2006)

Mountain Bicycle Acceleration and Braking Tests (Data for the research paper published in the 14th Canadian Multidisciplinary Road Safety Conference Proceedings, June 2004)
Road Safety: Rider Visibility in Daylight Conditions (Co-authored with Jim Harris of Harris Visibility Studies - Also available as a PDF at Chain Guard, Volume 19, Number 1, January-February 2005
Road Safety: Making Safe Descents, Part 2. Also available as a PDF at Chain Guard, Volume 21, Number 3, June-July 2007
Road Safety: Taking the Lane on Descents. Also available as a PDF at Chain Guard, Volume 21, Number 4, August-September 2007
Road Safety: Inspect before you Ride. Also available as a PDF at Chain Guard, Volume 21, Number 5, October-November 2007